ConfigMgr 2212 Technical Preview Update Details
There will be no ConfigMgr 2212 Technical Preview release. Yes, you heard it right: Microsoft skipped the 2212 technical preview release, and the next TP release will be version 2301. Typically, Microsoft releases a technical preview version every single month of the year. In the past, we also saw two technical preview releases in a month. But for the first time ever, there won’t be a technical preview release. On this blog, I have been covered the installation and new features all the versions of technical preview that have been released so far. Did you know that there have been 97 technical preview versions released by Microsoft so far? The two previous technical preview releases were TP 2211 and TP 2210 and version 2212 was expected in the month of December 2022. Here is an updated guide consisting of all the SCCM technical preview releases. https://tnfno...